
Why Leaves of Grace?

For book authors, leaves are the off-shoot of days and nights of incessant banging on the keyboard, unmindful of discomforts, or quickly scribbling on any surface to transform images and thoughts into concrete words—so they may be shared with those who equally love the printed page.

Every letter, space, and punctuation mark that come together in cohesive paragraphs, will eventually find their way into a book leaf . . . and then, leaves.
It's a process I fell in love with years ago, and which I continue to enjoy. This love and joy for writing can only come from the One without Whose grace nothing is or will ever be.

In like manner, nature's wonders, mostly in all shades of green—and also called leaves—sprout from the ground or hang from twigs and stems to remind us of this grace.

As the world totters between printed and cyber pages in this digital age, I thought I'd join the adventure.

I'll turn my computer screen into e-leaves that you may flip (or click) through. This blogsite, from today, will log the seemingly small, ordinary things that demonstrate how the Author of life bestows unceasing grace even upon an insignificant, inconsequential, and ordinary mortal like me.

It is my hope that you find many things in your own life to reflect on, and acknowledge, with gratitude, the Source of them all.  

"And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace." John 1:16 (KJV)


  1. Hi ate grace,

    so fun to see that you have your own blogsite already. Be assured i will visit it. You can also place in your column your blogsite so ur readers can visit it too. God bless ate! Write to your heart's delight.


  2. Hi Grace!
    I like visiting your blogsite. Just reading your column, I can sense that you are reared in a happy and Christian home. Keep on writing. Take care and God bless.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for visiting my blogsite -- and for going back to my very first post! Hope to meet you someday.

  4. Dear Ma'am Grace,
    Can you write a book about a part of my childhood school days? I am willing to share to you my story maybe through phone. I'll give you a hint: about having a stage fright that I almost stop schooling until I read the verse in a book "I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me!"
    and it became my life verse until now.

  5. Hi there, Ms. Grace. This is my first time to visit your blog. Our dear professor actually recommended it. As a graduating student who's been into a lot of stressful situations lately, your entries instantly refreshed me. And I know they always will. Expect my frequent visits, then. Muchas gracias. - Faye

  6. Dear Faye,

    Thank you for visiting. And I am happy that my posts help in refreshing those who are in "stressful situations." I wonder who your professor is? Hope to meet you someday. Blessings!

  7. Hello, Ms. Grace!
    I heard you this morning on DZAS and decided to visit your blog. It's interesting. Will visit your site often. :D

    With love, Rue.

  8. Hello, Rue!

    Thanks for dropping by. This morning's interview on DZAS was a lot of fun. I was so encouraged by the responses via email from listeners during the show! Will I see you at the book fair? Blessings!

  9. FINALLY! The search for the very first article is over... so glad to see where it all began. =)

  10. That means, you went back almost seven years, JP! A long travel for me, isn't it? Blogging has kept me on my toes--sensitive to things I would otherwise ignore. This state of being alert gives me something to blog about every three to four days without miss. Thanks for traveling with me.
