
It's been a month!

If there's anything I am famous for, it's forgetting birthdays and anniversaries, including mine. Now, why would I remember that today, December 23, is my first-month blog anniversary?

"To blog or not to blog" was, for me, a mighty-achy decision, not so unlike deciding whether to marry or not to marry (a good thing my husband doesn't read blogs—doesn't know it from Adam—or I'll get diced, minced, and pureed).

November 23 was d-day. When I uploaded my first entry, it was like giving birth minus the anesthesia.

And today, this exact same hour, I have 13 entries, more than two dozen photos, over 500 guests/hits, and a reasonable number of friends re-emerging in my e-mail after vanishing for ages.

"I enjoyed your blog a lot but I don't know how to put my comment in there."

See what I mean? My friends can't text, can't comment in blogs, and can't understand why on earth I am into something so remotely distant from the world we know.

"That's like selling 500 copies of your books," my sons argue, representing the feistier generation. If they weren't twice my size, I'd thwack them good for twirling their mother round their oversized fingers.

But to be honest, to be really, really honest, it was a month of feeling good. It's almost like writing a book—except that there are no deadlines, no publisher, no editors (I more than make up for this with ruthless self flagellation), no printing schedule, and no book designer. Just type and go, re-type and speed away.

One month later, I ask, "What was that?!"

Why, a whole month worth of grace, cyber-leaves of grace, generously given and gratefully received. And another opportunity to write about this grace so sufficient it sustains me.

In two days it will be Christmas, and from today till then, I raise my head up to the Giver—the birthday Celebrant Himself—and thank Him for His unstinted generosity.


  1. Hi Ate Grace, cyberspace has become a much more inviting "place" to visit with your writings in it. :) Happy blog month-sary and I hope many more people click this way and realize how inspiring and colorful the leaves of grace (the blog) is. Keep on writing!
    PS: I didn't know that the 5 Lolas were based on true people until I read it here.

  2. Hi, Beng!

    Thanks for visiting. This is something new for me and anything new is derring-do! Whatta feeling!

  3. HAPPY FIRST MENSVERSARY (and MERRY CHRISTMAS as well)! Keep on blogging. And I hope you don't mind that I already took the liberty to link your blog to mine. Ü

  4. Hi, Alvin!

    Merry Christmas to you, too! Thanks a lot for the greetings. I feel privileged that you linked my blog to yours. One day soon I'd like to return the favor. I just don't know how to do it yet. I am struggling with all this techno thingies. One step at a time. Give my best to your mom and dad. See you around!
