
Sizzling Hot

Phnom Penh, Cambodia is at its warmest this time of the year. And I am here. I have abandoned my early morning walk because I don't think I can last the hour. Every day is in the 40's at noon. Don't even try to imagine it, you'll sweat.

But the friendships I am blessed with are even warmer. I may not understand Kmer but I do understand the warm welcome extended to me at every turn. Cambodian food is yummyjust like Thai food, minus the sting.

I have tons of photos in my digicamI am slowly becoming good at fiddling with itbut I am using my host's computer (a Mac) and I don't quite know how to download them. There is no wi-fi connection so my laptop is sitting on my bed feeling useless. I hope to post a few of them when I get back home.

The creative writing workshop I am conducting is proceeding extremely well, way beyond my expectations. Creativity is cross-cultural and it is enriched by our differences.

I could write more but my sweat is getting in the way. I think this post has to stop here . . . at least for now.

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