
At Sea for a Week!

Dar she goes. . .

The brochure read, “Carrying only 800 passengers, the intimate Costa Allegra cruise ship is a vessel of imagination . . . art and artistry around every corner.”

Every bit of it is true, plus much more. I was on board this Italian ship with seven of my girl friends (plus two more, a son and a daughter, accompanying their moms) for almost a week.

I was figuratively and literally at sea. There was no internet connection and no cable TV. Most of the cruisers spoke either Spanish, Italian, French, or German. One had to spend in euro and a can of diet coke cost P350!

The library was small—or smaller than my own at home, with only one fourth of the books in English. But here I would spend my own quiet, special half hour, daily, while my friends attended mass in the chapel.

I took over a hundred photos (yes, this cruise taught me how to operate my digicam at record speed for those hurried snapshot land tours) and I have over a hundred anecdotes and reflections written in my head.

But at the moment, after flying from Singapore—last stop— in the wee hours of the morning, I neither have the energy nor the will to keep my eyes open even if I am back in my favorite corner at home with my computer and books which I missed terribly.

Yawwwwwn. I pray that the amazing grace which kept me wonderfully at sea for a week will keep me freshly alert on terra firma tomorrow.


(The two top photos are from the brochure. The bottom three [right, I missed the final show of American Idol!] are by moi, trying to capture the breathless moments.)


  1. mayet met ngarud.next time try the largest cruise ship, Lberty of the Seas,
    3,600 passengers,1,350 seat theater, ice skating rink,rock climbing wall, wifi connections,15 decks,8 elevators.ayna ...ayna...fuerte.

  2. Dua nga tawen mi nga inurnong ti pangbayad. Siguro lima nga tawen ti masapul no data Liberty of the Seas ti papananmi. Hehe.

  3. Your blog readers missed your other fun stories about your trip--as you've told them to us earlier. As always, your writing entertains as much as it refreshes. ;) Glad to have you back on dry land, Ate Grace.

  4. Hi, Beng!

    I'll try to write about those, too. But on dry land, my sked these days is crazy and there seems to be too little time to do do much of anything! Thanks for dropping by...
