
Did I Forget Anything?

On the eve of my departure for Cebu City, where I have been invited for a series of book talks and book signing, I should by now be logging out. Although I think I am all packed and ready, there may still be one or two items which I missed.

Think . . . think . . .

Packing is a very tricky and baffling business. You count the number of days you’ll be away and match it with the same number of clothes and underwear, plus extras. Then on to toiletries, prescription and vitamin pills, and some cheap bling-blings. You tick off the items in your list, one at a time.

But somehow, when you get to where you’re headed, some of the small items which you thought you had are simply not there, even if you turned your luggage upside down.

It's predestined—I always forget some teensy weensy things which were in my “to-pack” list but, for reasons that escape me, never get thrown into the luggage. Nightie. Sunblock. Toothpaste (Why do most hotels withhold this item? It’s infinitely more important than the omnipresent hand and body lotion!) Shades. Vitamin pills. Reading glasses. Mobile phone. Battery charger. Camera. Battery charger. . .

Writing a post will clear my mind. After a paragraph or two, I should remember what my bag—still unzipped—is missing.

O, my plane ticket! Some cash and credit card!

That should be it. I will know for sure, alas, when I land in Cebu. And now to catch some sleep and shush my head from asking the question, “Did I forget anything?”

Before that, I pray for traveling mercies and draw upon the good Book an assurance, 2 Timothy 4:22 “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.”

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