
Pink's Gone, Green's Back

Nothing against pink, but I feel green is closer to what I think I am and how I feel these days.

When I started this website, my friend, Ggie, who’s also art director for some of my books, sent me color swatches to guide me in my choices of colors and fonts that would go with my shade of green.

I did not verbalize it, but she knew I was struggling with design ideas and, not being an honest-to-goodness graphic artist like she is, I didn’t know how to execute them. So she gave me professional help gratis et amore.

The only thing I started with was the color green. The rest of the layout was done with Ggie’s help. While experimenting with my header, she sent me two designs to choose from (banana leaves above and palm leaves in my hard disc). I like both and I am keeping one in reserve for when I feel like this look needs changing.

So back to my old, green look. Many thanks to Sylvia for lending me her color pink for three days; and of course, a million thanks to Ggie who made me see what I like and made it available for my use.

What would I do without friends? They must be God’s favorite channels of grace.


  1. Parable of the Talents shows us what Christian watchfulness means. Rather than idle waiting, it entails resourcefulness and active service. Concretely it means using well the time, treasure and talent that God has given us ☺

  2. Hi, Ggie!

    Wow, you really know your Bible. Thanks again for all your help on making this site the way it is today.
