
Isn't He Lovely?

Going over my September posts, all I seemed to be doing was whining—from internet to health to passport problems. Let me do a 180-degree turn and speak about the topic that takes away the blues and the blahs.

The loveliest baby in the world.

This is the baby I have yet to cuddle and hold in my arms. He lives 14,000 miles away. Born in the USA on May 5 this year, he lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his parents—my second son, JB, and his wife, Gianina.

Someday, my husband and I promise (and threaten), we will spoil Adrian, our first and only grandson. Meanwhile, we will treasure all his photos and videos as though he were right here. Funny how one little bundle can render a writer wordless.

So let me borrow from (this definitely dates me) Stevie Wonder who celebrated his daughter Aisha’s birth in 1976 with the song, “Isn’t she lovely?” I am taking the liberty of changing some words for my purposes—like she to he and Aisha to Adrian.

 Isn't he lovely?
Isn't he wonderful?
Isn't he precious?
Less than five months old
I never thought through love we'd be
Sharing one as lovely as he
But isn't he lovely made from love

Isn't he pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
through our children He's given life to one
But isn't he lovely made from love

Isn't he lovely
Life and love are the same
Life is Adrian…
Isn’t he lovely?

(A gift of grace is he.)


  1. Hi,
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    Again and enjoy reading. The baby is so adorable,reminds me of the times when i was a young father then...

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    Thanks and goodluck!


  2. Dear Rom,

    Exchanging links is a great idea. Lets! Thanks for the visit again.

  3. hi ms. grace! i just have to say that i'm a huge fan of your adrian :) i think he's adorable! gigi and i are friends :) he's so squishable!!!!

  4. mapan mo man bisitaen diay apom. baam pay la ti hongkong.

  5. Hi, Les,

    Are you also in the US? Then you have seen Adrian in person?! Thanks a lot for the visit.

  6. Biddak,

    Awan nga pulos ti gatad na daguidiay nga bi-biyehe. No agawidacon, adda pay buntoc na! Mayat met aya?


  7. hi ms. grace! :)

    nope, i'm not in the US. gigi and i met in ateneo.. :) i see lots of pictures of adrian from gigi's multiply site :)

  8. Hi, Les!

    I was just chatting with Gianina about Adrian. She really has her hands full being what they call in America SAHM (Stay at Home Mom). But I guess that's the best part of motherhood which many of us, in my generation, were not able to do. And the guilt stays on.

    Blessings and warm regards.
