
Old Circles

Two reunions are simultaneously being organized by my long-time friends from high school and more-recent friends from college. The organizers have set up e-groups for easier communication.   

Almost every day, I read a message from someone whose name is oh-so-familiar but whose face I could hardly recall. But Images of days long gone come flashing back.

I look at what I am doing today and what I did in those days and there seems to be no straight path to how I got here.

“Plan for your future,” we parents often tell our children. “You should know what you want and work hard to get it.”

I recall much of what happened in the past but I don’t recall having any game plan. I have always wanted to write but that was not what I pursued. I took up a post graduate course because it seemed like the in thing to do. After that—well, one thing led to another. There were kids to attend to, a family to keep together, and a career that held challenges.

It has all been a series of when . . .

When my husband got me a job in advertising (he must have read boredom all over me) before the babies started coming, I had no idea what advertising was all about. But I stayed there for over 20 years.

When I got out of advertising, I didn’t know what to do next, except to continue with the passion that had laid dormant all those years—writing.

When I started writing, I was clueless on what to do with my manuscripts.

When I write (a story, an essay, or whatever I feel like writing), I am not sure whether it is going to be published or not. A good thing there is this blogsite.

These are days for looking-back-to-old-circles-of-friends—reunion time and reflection time. I am discovering caches of memories between then and now.

What amazes me is this realization: I-did-not-make-things-happen. They happened because I followed what seemed to be the right choices among those that were shown my way in every stage of my life.

It has always been the Force far greater than my finite mind that made things possible for me to travel from point A to point B to point C and to the point where I am today.

It has always been grace at work. Simply put, I have always been grace dependent. And I will be, until the circle of God's children meet for the greatest reunion in eternity.


  1. i hope my comments get pulished this time. am trying one more time. nakaka-stressed out! anyway, i was going to say, ang cute mo pala nung maliit ka! beauty na ngayon- lucyb

  2. Spoken like a true unbiased friend!
