
The Mosquito That Won't Go Away

The “pesky little mosquito” that first appeared before my right eye six months ago—and which scared me to death because if I lost my eyesight I won’t be able to do the things I love most doing: reading and writing and painting and beading and solving crosswords and oh, so many things!—is still there.       

My ophthalmologist said floaters stay on for a long time, although she couldn’t specify the exact length. The prescription eye-drops she gave me is not working. Well, she did say that no medication has yet been invented to make them go away instantly. But, she was reassuring, it’s nothing to be worried about. "You will not die."

“Is it a part of aging?” I had to ask what she was too polite to verbalize loud enough for me to hear. She turned mute.

If I paid the tiny black thing a lot of attention, though, it hovers still.

But it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. In fact, it doesn’t bother me at all anymore. There are days when I don’t even know it’s there.

I guess, like everything in life, it’s all a matter of mindset—of getting used to anything. If you don’t think of something as bothersome, it won’t bother you.

Our Pastor said something about this in our latest Bible lesson. If you entertain bad thoughts, they become words. Words become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become character.

“Pesky little mosquito?” Why am I even writing about it?


  1. Hi! Just came across your blog, and read the first entry. If you are seeing just one floater, which suddenly appeared, with no associated loss of vision... this could possibly be due to what is called a "posterior vitreous detachment." The vitreous is the jelly that fills the eye, and it is normally attahced to the back of the eye. With age - sorry :)- this vitreous can contract and, therefore become separated from the back of the eye. The single floater that you are seeing is the "hole" in the posterior vitreous phase where the optic nerve used to be. This could be the possible cause of your "mosquito." I don't know if this is how your ophthalmologist explained it to you, but if this is truly the cause of the floater, then, obviously, no amount of eyedrops will fix this. Don't worry 'cause it's usually of no clinical consequence other than the bothersome little "insect" that you just can't get rid of. Like you said, in the grand scheme of things, what's one pesky little floater? :) Just be glad it wasn't a harbinger of something more serious, like a retinal detachment!

    Good luck!

  2. Dear anonymous,

    Wow, you must be a doctor. And an angel, too. You explained my "malady" better than my doctor did. Yes, she did say something about those jellies, but orally they sounded so bizarre. But I am glad my vision has not been affected. Except for the need for reading glasses (due to advancing years!), I could see everything around me clearly.

    Thank you for making me feel a whole lot better.

  3. Yikes! Hope you are okay! Love the blog!

  4. Yes, am glad my vision is okay! Thanks for the concern and the visit.
