
On Being a Woman

I am off to talk on "The Revolutionized Filipina" as a keynote speaker in the celebration of International women's Day of one multi-national company.

I had difficulty writing my speech as I don't usually define myself as a woman. I define myself as a person, more particularly a creative writer dependent on God's grace.

The speech, then, is more for me than it is for the audience. I realized a lot of things about being a woman.

From there, I will attend the last party that will ever be thrown for the ACRC, the entity of Adboard that screens advertising before they are aired or published. After March 31, ACRC will cease to exist and it its place is a group which . . . that I still have to understand.

Then off, with JR, to Umingan for the funeral of my cousin Esther. It's going to be a loooong day.

And I still can't fathom what all this has to do with being a woman.

My mind seems not functioning today.


  1. I have just quoted you, Grace. Thank you.

  2. Quoted me? Hey, that's really neat! Thank you and please drop by again.
