
Where is Adrian?

On baby Adrian’s last day with us (eighth day), I took tons of photographs.

Since I am behind the camera, there is hardly any shot of me. But these photos bare all of our (Tony’s, JC’s, JR’s and mine) hearts—including Ate Vi's and Jen's (our doting househelps) and Sam, Tony’s driver.

The whole neighborhood asked this same question when I resumed my daily dawn walks after Adrian and his parents had left, “Where is Adrian?”

According to his mom’s text message, “We are back in Michigan. Adrian slept most of the way.”

Adrian is once again far, far away; but he has never left our hearts.

 "Love me tender, love me sweet," croons Elvis' twin.
 One last squeeze from Ate Vi and Jen while Elvis' twin looks on . . .
 Thanks for the visit, Adrian.


  1. Makapasangit........

  2. Biddi? We missed you in Canyon Woods!

  3. Oh, I know you were disappointed to see him go. It sounds like you really enjoyed your visit! That's very nice.

  4. Hi, Petula,

    The shortest eight days ever!
