

I first saw this awesome bridge when I was watching Mr. Bean.

I wondered if it were real or if it were just the handiwork of computer graphics artists. I was suddenly interested in it more than I was in what was happening to Mr. Bean.

Viaduc de Millau is extraordinarily looooooooong and tall! It is is indeed an engineering marvel, currently the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world at 2,460 meters long!

Also tallest in the world and taller than the Eiffel Tower, Viaduc de Millau is slung across the valley of the river Tarn in Southern France. Designed by the structural engineer Michel Virlogeux and British architect Norman Foster, this viaduct certainly shortens a journey and decongests traffic—the two reasons why it was built.

The photo of this human feat becomes even more awesome as I look above and below it. Beneath and beyond the bridge is the wonder of God’s creation—the firmament where billions of stars hover about and the land where billions of living things abound.

Colossal monuments made by human hands such as this bridge, the pyramids of Giza, the great wall of China, and many more, are but a teeny-weeny facet of the greatness of the One who made us. The magnificence and majesty, grandeur and glory, splendor and spectacle of God’s creation is loooooonger than anything we have ever seen, or could imagine.

And the wonder of wonders is expressed in Psalm 8:4 and Hebrews 2:6: “What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?”

The answer can be expressed in many wonderful words. One of them is: grace.


  1. hello. this is a very great site. And you are also a great person. I am so amazed by your works and the awards you've received. I saw the site in linkreferral.com :) God Bless.

  2. Hi, Lloyd,

    Thank you for reviewing my site in Linkreferral. What a great link it is--I have met so many new friends there. I returned the favor and visited your site. I will be reviewing it shortly. Thanks again for the kind words.

  3. Love the picture of Viaduc de Millau. I've never seen such an incredible bridge before. One of my blogging friends has "Wordless Wednesdays" where she and others link together to share pictures on Wednesdays. Check it out. You might want to share your pictures!


  4. Hi, Kali!

    Thanks for dropping by. Yes, I have come across your friend's blog. I will try to look for really interesting shots to send her. I have linkreferral to thank for "meeting" you.

  5. What a wonderful way to give glory to God! This bridge is fantastic, that is true, but only a small measure compared to all that God has created. Even this bridge would have never been had God not allowed it.

    Thank you for expressing your love for the Lord!

  6. Thank you, too, for finding the time to read my posts. Indeed, we have an awesome God!

  7. That's very interesting!
