
Unfair Comparison

Our president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, is now in the US for a working visit, with an entourage of over 50 politicians and high-ranking government officials. Barely had she warmed her seat in that part of the globe when typhoon Frank battered and unleashed his fury on our helpless country.

One of the worst maritime tragedies happened with over 700 people perishing on a sunken ship engulfed by the tumultuous tides caused by the typhoon (as the search at sea continues, more bodies are found floating every day). Almost three million people have been rendered homeless and displaced by floods and winds. Newspapers place the damage at close to P6 billion pesos.

These are troubled times.

Many journalists have commented that Pres. Arroyo is like Emperor Nero. She played the fiddle while "Rome" was burning.

It seems an unfair comparison.

For one thing, fiddle wasn’t invented till the 15th century. For another, Nero hurried back to Rome from his seaside holiday home when the fire broke out. It is documented; he took charge of the firefighting efforts.

Our country is burning with troubles, yet if we are to believe reports, our president is in no hurry to come home till after the Manny Pacquiao/David Diaz boxing bout on the 29th of June.

Well, whatever.

We are assured in the Scriptures that during troubled times, grace comes rushing to bail us out.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46:1-3


Anonymous said...

i totally agree! also, i read about your profile... i am impressed! visit my blog...

Grace D. Chong said...

I visited your blog and am delighted to welcome you to blosgosphere. I am sure you will enjoy the journey. Thanks for dropping by, new cyber neighbor and friend.

Chris Pease & Christie Wilkes said...


I have not heard ANYTHING about this on the news. I may be tuning into the wrong channels (?) but I have NO CLUE what you are talking about? What country are you from? When did the damage occur? More than that, what can be done? I'm devistated that such a tragedy has not been adequately reported in the United States.

Please advise. I'll keep checking your blog for updates.

-Christie Wilkes
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Grace D. Chong said...

Hi, Christie,

Tried to email but couldn't get through. I am from the Philippines and these disasters happened last week. The US and other countries sent goods and help to the stircken areas. Thank you for your concern.