
How to Wear Your Sunglasses

1) Hold them firmly with both hands.

2) Put them up on your mouth and pause a little.

3) Try hard to get them past your upper lip.

4) Make them settle on your nose as they cover both your eyes.
 5) Voila! Smile for a job well done.

It’s been three months since Adrian’s two-week visit to the Philippines. I am surprised at how many more teeth he has and how his motor functions have developed. He's all of 14 months.

Poring over his photos—and sharing them with cyber friends—is the next best thing to watching him grow up in person.

Adrian’s photos are not only posted on Leaves of Grace, they are stored in the hard disk of his grandma’s grateful heart.


  1. Hi, Chen,

    Oo nga, nakaka-miss.

  2. Oh my gosh, such a cute baby. I love the sun glasses. LOL!!

  3. Hi, Michelle,

    This baby wraps us all in his little finger!
