
Unconnected in Chiang Mai

“I'm breaking out in cold sweat. My hands are trembling. My heart is racing. I am puffing and panting even while doing nothing. And I feel like I am going to pass out.”

These are what characterize withdrawal syndrome, according to someone I know who has battled an addiction successfully.

If I were not in fresh, airy Chang Mai, Thailand the past five days, I should be feeling these symptoms as well. There has been no internet connection and I feel like I had been cut off from my lifeline, the net, particularly Leaves of Grace.

And there's this article due for submission. I couldn't shoot it out.

But just now, while waiting for the van that will take us to the airport for Bangkok, I turn on my lap top, and bang. Connection! Ooops, the characters are in Thai.

Let’s see if I can post this one with my first photo at the Chiang Mai airport . . .     


  1. Dear Grace,
    I felt the same, so I'm so happy to be online again. I hope you had a safe return home!
    It was great being your roommate!

    My Spanish blog: www.retratosdefamilia.blogspot.com

  2. Hi, Keila,

    I assume you are home--where the internet connection is 24/7. I had fun sharing the lovely room with you. It was a haven for long hours of sleeping, wasn't it? Hope to see you in the next writers' workshop. Keep those novels coming. Your next one will be a bestseller!
