
When Is a Writing Moment?

“When is your writing moment?” Adie, my new friend—who will soon see her first book published—asks as I am about to down a corn muffin at Kenny Rogers.

Writing moment . . . writing moment . . . I roll the phrase in my mind and the muffin in my mouth. I think of all the times I am hard at work in my computer or when I scrawl a fleeting thought in my little notebook.

“Is it all the time? At special hours? In a certain place?” she follows up her question because I take a mighty long time showing any semblance of intelligence. “Or only when you’re in the mood?”

I mumble, “I don’t know about writing moment. I seem to love to write at all moments.”

“As in, all the time?! Even now?!”

“Even now as I speak,” I say. “I want to write down what you’re saying and why it is affecting me and why I think it is important.”

She gives me that keep-talking-and-make-me-understand look.

“Writing is a never-ending quest for me,” I say, sounding like I'm improvising.


“Yeah, quest. Like looking for something to reach, poke, disprove, study and investigate.”

And then something whacks me and I exclaim, “Writing takes place in your soul!” I laugh because I seem to be horribly pedantic.

Adie is young and wants to be a writer. And all she wants are tips on how to write from someone who, years ago, was starting like her.

“My writing moment is any moment,” I say, trying to come back to earth. “I mean, all moments are writing moments. When I was in advertising, we had fierce deadlines and I had to keep writing to meet them. That attitude is in my bones. The only difference is, today as a book author, I keep writing because I want to keep writing—not because I am racing against deadlines.”

She smiles.

“Well, some moments are better than others. But whatever the moment is, always remember that you can write only because grace enables you to.”

She moves her mouth and it breaks into a smile. I move mine to ask about her oncoming book.

Adie’s text message one hour later is, “Ma’am, thanks. It was a grace-filled meeting.”

Adie is a quick study. In case she reads this post, she’ll know that I was indeed writing at that precise hour when she and I were talking about my writing moment.


  1. hi sister grace ... i'm glad that i can write to you at last, found it in the book we just bought yesterday that you had the blog hehe ... i read to my 3 year old son last night, "big brother" .. oh my .. i had to hold my voice again and again, to hold my tears ... he fell asleep before i end my story, but i continued reading it, oh ... it's so touch. I always love your books and also my other kids 14, 12 and 10 (since my 3 year old doesn't know to choose yet). oh... thanks a million for your books, we've been collecting "oh mateo".
    I bought your first book, "the grace of God book 2", we bought it when the pastor you mentioned in that book gave a seminar in our church, here in cagayan de oro, since that time, we always buy your books, how to describe your books hmmm.... it's exciting, humorous, super duper , oh my ... can't describe it with words...
    thank you so much.... keep writing, God bless you always.


  2. Thank you, Milyvels, for your kind words on my books. Please say "hello" to your children. I hope I could come to Cagayan de Oro one of these and meet you, and your family, personally.

  3. I agree, Ma’am. Many times an insight forms in my mind and I think “Hmmm...that’s good!” I need to write it down immediately. But when I decide to expand it, I need to pray over it coz my own words are never enough. If I don’t, I forget it.

  4. You're right, Ma'am Lollette. Everything we do for the Lord should be spirit-led. Thanks for visiting my site!
