
Attorney Is as Clever as Her Name

We used to have a succession of dogs—a German Shepherd, a Dalmatian, a Labrador—but none quite as smart as Attorney, a mutt.

All these dogs were sheltered under a fairly big dog house. Attorney gets locked up there too when there are strangers around.

But guess what? Immediately after the strangers leave, Attorney would come out without waiting for anyone to open the latch. Somehow, she has taught herself to turn and push the latch exactly how it should be done. And what's more amazing is, she knows exactly when she is supposed to come out!

Yes, Attorney is as clever as her name. I wonder how she learned the trick and I am wondering even more why the other dogs (all with pedigree) were unable to do the same!

At five months (she was born on September 1), she had to have her shots. And these days, she doesn’t wiggle her tail. It will take another five days before she probably would—when she is allowed to take another bath.

Attorney, the puppy, makes everyone peppy in this household.

Grace comes in various forms. And Attorney is one such form. Yup! I mean, yip!

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