
Soon to be a Butterfly

How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly? Science can explain it in great detail, with flawless logic.

How caterpillar Adrian (at one year and 10 months) will turn into a butterfly will defy logic. Everything is, and will be, by grace. And it is also by this same grace that we (although far away) can be a part of this metamorphosis.


  1. Hello Grace. I am hoping that you can help me. I am a teacher in British Columbia, Vancouver. I am taking a course on multicultural children's literature and we are doing book authentications. I have travelled to the Philippines a number of times and picked up the series of books at the Ayala museum which included your story of 'the Ragamuffin kid'. What I am hoping for is if you could provide me with some background of the story: what Badoc is like, the fiestas, and practice of adopting street children into families. My partner is Filipino and has said that yes, this is a common thing to do in the Philippines. Any help you can give me would be great for my project. I found the story wonderful and am happy that I discovered your blog.
    Thanks for your help.
    My email address is: g_pick@shaw.ca

  2. Hi, George! Thanks a lot for taking time to visit. I just wrote you an email about your request. Let me know if you need more. God bless.
