
The Bar Exams Results Are Out!

My old header comes down because I am celebrating.

We have a second Attorney in the house!

The first one is our dog.

And the second one is: JR.

JC downloaded the September 2008 bar examinations results just now. I had a choice whether to scream or cry. I did neither. I closed my eyes in thanksgiving for this moment of grace. Then I texted and texted and texted and e-mailed and e-mailed and e-mailed and called and called and called family and friends.

And changed my header to this: 
I'll think of more creative ways to celebrate tomorrow. It's way past my bedtime. Good night.


  1. Congrats again! I emailed xDYR before I visited your blog...even went on line at sc.judiciary.gov.ph just to check his complete name...hahahahaha.. let's celebrate soon with the proud titas of Atty. JR.

  2. Thank you for being there--at all times. Let's celebrate indeed. Just name the date and place. Let's go!

  3. Hi Tita May! Congrats to JR and to the rest of the family!!! I'll post about it on my blog soon as I get to have the time.

    Jaja is next in line.. and then me ha ha. I hope we make it too :D Congrats again :D

    - Retzell

  4. Hi, Retzell! Great to hear from you. Thanks for the greetings. Yes, pretty soon, with you and Jaja, we'll have three lawyers in the family! How wonderful it will be. Hugs to Trista!
