
"She Day" and Hurried Good-byes

Before Adrian and his parents went home, I had to fly to Cebu for an overnight stay. I was invited to the OMF “She Day” annual affair which is usually attended by approximately 600 women.

Although I looked forward to attending this event (it’s the 4th), it came at the tail-end of Adrian’s visit. I wanted to spend all the time with him, but it was a commitment I made months ago.

It was a most unforgettable trip! I took the earliest flight on the day of the affair so I could be there early and have some time to rehearse and dress up. But as the plane was about to take off, there was a medical emergency. A passenger had a heart attack and we were asked to stay put in the plane for over two hours.

I got to Mactan airport barely one hour before the affair. After a few hurried greetings, Carol, the lady who picked me up said, “Grace, sit tight. I will be rough.” True enough she was rough! She snaked in and out of the heavy traffic. We got to Marriott Hotel where I dumped my things, went to the venue for sound and light check, then back to the hotel with a packed lunch and back to the Ayala Onstage Theater just in time for the opening. Whew!

The affair turned out as well as I expected. Trust OMF Cebu staff to always outdo themselves. It was an afternoon of overflowing grace. We all learned a lot from the two speakers and I got to meet old and new friends.

After that, it was a whirlwind of activities: some book-signing, some milling around, some chit-chats, dinner, and a treat to the spa. I got back to the hotel by midnight, and by 7 AM, I was finished with breakfast and dashed to the airport for my trip back home.

It was the shortest trip I ever had in my life—20 hours, but I came home with so much memories plus a special carrot cake (the best I have ever tasted) from Leona’s Bake Shop which we partook of at the despedida dinner for Adrian, JB and Gianina.

Again, hurried good-byes. The three had to be in bed for their early flight the next day (they were with Adrian’s other grandparents). Well, hurried good-byes don’t allow tears and such. In a way, they’re a whole lot more manageable.

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