
The Sunrise I Couldn't Watch

A road trip to Baler, Aurora is a treat that doesn’t come every day. Tony and JR packed their bags and were determined to have a grand weekend.

Sadly, first son JC was busy, and so was I. We were separately deep into commitments we couldn’t postpone. And so we reluctantly wished father and third son, “Enjoy yourselves!”

Properly tanned and fed, they came home brimming with stories and photos. Among all the spectacular shots they took, the minute-by-minute image of the sun rising (I am sharing a few of them here) took my breath away.

As my eyes feasted on every frame, imagining and vicariously experiencing each rising movement, I sang (silently of course, until I could muster the courage to impose my non-voice on others), Sunrise:

Then I shall come to the end of my way,
When I shall rest at the close of life’s day,
When “Welcome Home” I shall hear Jesus say,
Oh, that will be sunrise for me . . .
Sunrise tomorrow, sunrise tomorrow,
Sunrise in glory is waiting for me;
Sunrise tomorrow,
Sunrise tomorrow,
Sunrise tomorrow,
Sunrise with Jesus for eternity.

I might have missed watching the awe-inspiring Baler sunrise, but the promise of sunrise tomorrow is grace beyond imagination.


  1. A very wonderful photography. A new hope for everyone :)


  2. Beautiful words and photos, Great site,

  3. Mhar, let's look forward to sunrise.

  4. Thank you, Kim. The photos say it all, don't they?

  5. that's a very beautiful sunrise ate Grace. Thanks for sharing!
