
Ondoy's Wrath

Typhoon Ketsana (or Ondoy in the Philippines) unleashed a fury so violent we are still reeling from the aftermath, five days later.     

This video eloquently captures the devastation wrought by Ondoy. And the above photo shows how people risked their lives to save it.

But in the rubble and mud of suffering are gems with millions of facets as bright as the sun's to shine upon a new day.

Over the din of thousands of volunteer efforts and the onrushing of God’s grace through donations from concerned people and organizations here and abroad, Tony received this one-line text message from a friend:

“We lost everything, except our lives and our faith."

I pray that despite the pain and loss, those of us whose lives were spared will keep the faith.


  1. I'm so sorry for your friend. Those storms are so scary to me.

  2. Yes, they are scary. And there is another super typhoon coming this PM!

  3. Thanks Seb. Will drop by you favorite online hang out shortly.
