
Thinnest House

Have you seen a thinner house?

One of the rewards of not knowing how to drive is the grace to enjoy all the things you pass by.

This house has always fascinated me. I have tried to get a good photo of it, but the traffic is always busy—either the house is hidden by a truck or bus on red traffic light, or the green light is on and we need to zoom away.

My imagination goes crazy:

The residents can’t lie down crosswise;

The dining table is very long and very narrow;

Every resident is lean and slim;

Party guests chat in a queue;

Nobody can walk side by side;

Nobody does stretching exercises;

There is no such thing as hallway; or is it all hallway?

Space did not prevent the owners from building the house. It is a roof over their head, and as good as any structure to be turned into a home.


  1. Indeed, what an odd building! Does anyone really live there?

  2. Yes, the house looked lived in-- Laundry hanging all over the place. Unusual, isn't it?

  3. Wow, that is some house! May be an oddity to some, but shelter and hopefully home to someone who didn't use to have one.

  4. A three-story house at that! I wonder how they watch TV?
