
Three Ooops

We are all dyers—Yay, Rose and I.

We dye our hair. Well, that's pretty commonplace, considering that practically everyone (the young especially) now dye his mop or mane.

But I think we are a pretty unusual (or usual, depending on which age group you belong) group of dyers because we dye our crown of glory for only one reason: to cover the gray.

Aside from this monthly ritual which we do individually, we have also started a ritual of occasionally meeting and exchanging funny anecdotes on the adventures of maturing (not aging) over coffee.

One particular afternoon, we leisurely chatted about what we have in common: the university where we all teach, how grace found us, how our faith is keeping us joyful despite life's occasional rainfall, and our free time to meet again.

Through the first whole hour, we were left alone by our cellphones. No calls, no text messages. The better to chat more and laugh more.

Then Rose decided to call her son who was to pick her up. Ooops, her phone was in silent mode and her son had a text message one hour earlier saying he was waiting at the parking lot.

Yay decided to check hers, and ooops, she had left it at home.

I checked mine and ooops, dead battery! 

What came next was laughter, unrestrained laughter—profound joy in the company if friends who share the same faith, and whose peaks and valleys speak of a God who never fails.

I thank Him for giving me BFFs I could laugh with, and with whom I could share stories of blessings through the years—many, many years.

“Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” Proverbs 16:31


  1. its nice to have friends whom you can share your victories and challenges with :D

  2. Thanks, for being a friend (long distance though you may be!), Tribo!

  3. love your blog entries! rich, entertaining, touching, everything!

  4. Hi, Louse! Thanks. Despite a frustrating DSL (comes only early in the morning or late at night), I find time to blog; therapy. Hope to call you one of these days.
