
Upside-down Umbrellas

The first thing I did was to let out one loud gasp. Followed by even louder gasps.

The sight of hundreds of white umbrellas hanging down the ceiling of this room of “Le Jardin de Gabriel” (the 23rd floor of Lita's building at The Fort), was breathtaking, to say the least. But then, again, Lita's interior designing ideas always are.

Lita has a book chronicling thirty years of inspired work. While putting this book together with her, I was blessed to see the depth of her passion for her career. She has been born and blessed with eyes to see what looks good—and in this case, gasp-inducing—for any structure's interior.

The huge room allows a beautiful view of the whole of Makati, Ortigas, and of course, The Fort. From the outside, the view of this room is even more beautiful, as though the world turned upside down to catch the grace that poured from the heavenlies.

On my way home after I saw that umbrella room, it rained heavily. Irony of ironies, I had no umbrella!


  1. There are really good concepts out of common things. Sometimes we just neglect that beauty comes from simple ideas using the simplest of means. God bless you!

  2. Your site is a good idea, too. and I don't mean just the title. thanks!

  3. What a beautiful creation, those umbrellas.

    I like your site Ms Grace. I had it bookmarked in my browser for nearly a year actually. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a coincidence that your blogsite is "Lost umbrella!" Thanks for the visit. Oh, those umbrellas were taken down after Christmas!
