
Difficult Days

Writing these past three weeks has been difficult. MyDSL has been acting up. On, off, on, off.

Despite daily calls to PLDT, nada. Some PLDT guys came once to check the problem, and while they were here, the problem seemed to have been solved. But after they left, MyDSL came and went again. It's a miracle I am able to blog at all.

Just when I am about to send an email, pffft. Or when I am about to upload a manuscript, blink. Or while looking up a Bible passage, ooops. In the middle of a conversation on Vonage, dut, dut, dut.

What makes this problem even more frustrating is the very heavy advertising of PLDT MyDSL to entice new users: "Instant connection!" Now, how about faithful users like me?

An OMF Lit School Tour came to the rescue. Instead of fuming and whining before my computer monitor, I went to four schools in a row and shared my experiences as a writer to large crowds of energetic children.

One last school tomorrow, after which I have to attend the Christian Writers Fellowship where I was invited to talk about “The Writing Habit.” Below is the e-poster that the organizers prepared for this purpose.

As I've always believed—grace comes just in time to save one from drowning in the river of difficult days.


  1. Everything you said in the seminar has been taken to heart. Thanks for being my "crutch," Grace.

  2. I just uploaded an abridged version, for whatever its worth. Bye, bye, TV.

  3. Haha! Bye, TV! Hello stories, books, blogs, etc.!

  4. Hi Ms. Grace...wow...what a beautiful face...you look great in this picture...very young and full of energy...nice shot!...Thanks for sharing your talents...very inspiring and encouraging...Great Works and I loved it! May the Lord bless you with more wisdom so you could continue sharing stories with others! Best regards....cyd

  5. Hi, Cyd!

    A fresh blast from Guam! Thank you for dropping by. I hope you drop by in person at SFU one of these days so we could catch up on all the things we missed for, what, two years now?
