
Earth Hour 2010

My family was in the middle of action (or darkness) during this year's earth hour, not by choice but by circumstance.

We were in Shangri-la Hotel enjoying the gift certificates sent by JB and Gianina (in celebration of her acceptance to the University of Chicago for MBA).

Our pick was smorgasbord at the Circles restaurant.

While gorging and chatting, we saw out the window, just below our table, a crowd of men, women and children wearing black t-shirts bearing "Makati Shangri-la" prints. They were getting ready for the Earth Hour parade. After a few minutes, the lights went off.

At the entrance to the Ayala Museum, across the street, was a dramatic sea of flickering candles. Then the parade began—ati-atihan, clowns, drum and bugle corps, etc. in luminous clothes and accessories—amidst the blinding darkness. I tried to take photos but my camera was not up to the task. The parade was non-stop for one hour, and so was our eating.

The next day, on the front page of PDI was the photo of the Earth Hour parade participants! It was taken at the very same place where we walked, laughed, and heartily dined, in celebration of a family milestone brought to us in the glory of His grace.


  1. I missed the Earth hour - I was traveling. Hopefully, though, most people were able to participate and think about why it was being done. Wishing you a happy Easter.

  2. The Earth Hour is gaining more awareness. Let's hope everyone will soon know exactly what it's for. Happy Easter, too!
