
Where is My song?

He was a cute little boy, only about six years old, when he started playing the drums in our church's praise and worship team. At first, we thought he'd bungle it. But he played like a pro, and everyone in the pews were delighted no end.

Vincent is musically gifted. Aside from drums, he also plays the guitar and the keyboard. And he has a great singing voice, too! Sunday after Sunday, Vincent grew up wonderfully before our eyes.

But one day, he wasn't there. Nobody could get in touch with him.

This is Vincent's (now 20) story from the pulpit where he shared his testimony:

I was looking for song that would touch my heart and would make my role in church meaningful. I had played and sung songs for burial, baptism, wedding—but not one song had what I was searching for.

So I decided to stop singing and playing—for three years. 

One day, while in a queue for a tricycle ride, behind me was a mother with her little boy. The boy couldn't talk but he was emitting an eerie sound, like a moan. Alarmed, I asked the woman, 'Why is your son making those sounds?'

The woman smiled and replied, "He is singing!"

"Singing what?"

"I don't know," she said, "but I know he is singing about hope. Someday, in my lifetime, I wish to hear the lyrics of his song. If not, I will definitely hear them when he sings with the angels in heaven!"

 When Vincent got home, he cried himself to sleep. He found his song—many, many songs, countless songs, about hope. Now Vincent sings and plays his songs as a part of our Praise and Worship Team again—with more vigor than ever before!   

Amazing Grace: one of Vincent's countless songs 


  1. God indeed sends us the most unlikely people to gently remind us that we are so blessed. Beautiful story, Grace!

  2. I was specially touched by Vincent's testimony. It speaks for many of us who made a wrong turn but were made to come back through the most unlikely people or circumstances.
