
Not a Flower? Pityriases Rosea

This sounds like the scientific name of one of these exotic flowers, doesn't it?

Well, Pityriasis Rosea isn't a flower, it's a skin rash caused by a virus that has chosen to lodge in my system.

I woke up to a few roundish red spots on my arms and legs one day last month. I thought nothing of them—probably just mosquito bites, or allergy to the wind (as diagnosed by friends). Two days later, the spots multiplied exponentially. The odd thing was, they didn't itch. They just stayed there looking gross and unsinkable.

So I consulted a doctor. After asking many questions, she said, Pityriases Rosea. "It's viral and the red spots (welts? rashes?) will go way in two to three months."

That long?!

For a month now (two more to go), I've been attending functions and going around with these little red round mounds (which I try to cover with long sleeves and long skirts or pants).

They look awful and alarming, but thankfully, grace has made the initial paralyzing fear vanish—way, way ahead of the time the horrid red spots could leave, eventually.


  1. aw! those viral rashes. i remember having one (the name, I don't remember) when I was in college. I had to drop a course because i incurred more than the number of allowed absences...all because of those pesky rashes.

  2. My consolation is--they don't itch, but they really look awful! Thanks for visiting.

  3. At least, no worries, just surface its. Hey, couldn't help noticing your new photo. Or did I notice it just now. Vavavoom! See, you still look gorgeous in spite of the itch.

  4. Tony took this photo while I was proofreading a manuscript. I was in my regular work clothes. And behind those huge glasses, nobody would ever think it's me!

  5. I take joy seeing you on facebook. But I cannot even send you a message.. I am a storyteller and I have been giving workshops on children's ministry as child evangelist of the Luzon Convention of Southern Baptist Churches.. I just want you to know that you are one of my favorite writer for children's literature.. Marami sanang umusbong na gaya mong sumulat. God bless you..

  6. Thank you for visiting. I hope you've had a chance to read some of my books to children. I come from Central Luzon and who knows, we might bump into each other one day--or pair up in one of those activities for the little ones. May God bless you in your ministry.
