
Count Me In

It's all over but the proclamation of Noynoy Aquino as the 15th President of the Philippines. It won't be long now.

I decided to visit the Noynoy Aquino Official Website (which had pages and pages of information and photos) one last time. I was surprised—felt sad and happy at the same time—to find only a page of it left.

But this one page eloquently summarizes what the Noynoy campaign was all about—People Power. Many old and young unknown souls worked quietly in the sidelines. Volunteers. Doing what they could to help in a movement for change. I had not done much, except buy from the fund-raising Tindahan ni Noynoy campaign materials which my family and I gave away to neighbors and friends.

Now this website, which clarified a lot of kinks in my mind, and which made me decide to support Noynoy's platform, is down and gone forever:

 This official campaign website was created and managed by the New Media Bureau of the Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” S. Aquino III Presidential Campaign.

The New Media Bureau was composed of volunteers that committed their time and contributed personal resources as their expression of ardent support of the candidacy of Sen. Noynoy.

The New Media Bureau is grateful for the privilege of having been part of this historic people's campaign for meaningful change. We thank all the people who have, in one way or another, contributed to the success of this website.

We are officially ending the operation of this website which will be transitioned into the Official Website of the President of the Republic of the Philippines at the appropriate time, with the sincere hope that as president, Noynoy Aquino will continue to use this website to reach out to the ordinary online Filipino.

If you wish to continue interacting with other Noynoy supporters, please visit:

My own little pledge to our new president's invitation to continue the fight for a better Philippines: "Count me in."

Continue to discover God's boundless grace in your watch, Mr. President.

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