
Please Go out and Vote

The whole country has been on tenterhooks the last couple of months, especially in the last two days.

There have been many—far too many—glitches in the preparations of our first-ever-automated polls. Faulty memory cards, undelivered ballots and machines, overpriced folders, untrained teachers and poll watchers, gross programming negligence and incompetence, malfunctioning LCD lights, discharged batteries, uninstalled CF cards, and oh, the list is very long.

Many have been hysterical, crying to go back to manual count, or at least a parallel one.

Despite suspicions of massive fraud and organized cheating, I am giving this new system a chance, and COMELEC the benefit of the doubt. We need to go out and be counted. Whatever happens next . . . well, that's for another day. But today, in about half an hour, when the polls open at 7 AM, I will participate in this democratic process.

Let us not give up on this country. God's grace will uphold us—as it has, despite corrupt and untrustworthy officials—and give us wisdom on how to re-build a crumbling democracy with new leaders who have the heart to serve, starting now, May 10, 2010.

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