
Three Bonuses

When my book signing events fall on a holiday, I get three bonuses in the form of three escorts: a husband and two grown-up sons. I honestly think they want to be supportive, and make me feel they appreciate the work that I do. Even if they get bored in the process.

It was Easter Sunday and OMFLit Bookshop in Pergola Mall was open on a Sunday for the first time. I was invited by the mall management to sign my books after the story telling (part of the Easter activities) of my latest book, "The Crying Children."

Somewhere in the crowd were my escorts. Surreptitiously, I took these triple shots while they weren't looking. They were there all right, but they were also elsewhere. (I suspect they have all read about, and take to heart, the ministry of presence.)
And me? Well, bored escorts notwithstanding, I always take my time and enjoy myself. I even dress for the part—in contrast to their weekend garbs.

At the end of it all, usually after two hours, we join up for a meal around a table in a nearby restaurant, and their wandering spirits return to their bodies. Then all's well that ends well. They get their food, and I get my escorts.

After dessert, the two boys hurriedly go back to their own lives, probably heaving a silent sigh of relief.

Grace does come in all manner of things.

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