
Crazy Calendar

The second half of my June was crazy. All my appointments and things-to-do got jumbled, scrambled, and muddled up, overlapping here and there. What I thought was Saturday was actually a Sunday and so on and so forth.

I missed a few business meetings, social luncheons, and deadlines.

Am I going crazy? Am I having early signs of Dementia? I kept asking myself.

I peered closely into my calendar again and, pow! It wasn't I; it was my calendar!

Take note that after June 18, the next day is June 17 (again!), instead of 19. The 19th day is therefore moved to a wrong day!

I don't know how many more people got this calendar as a gift last Christmas (I hope mine was a fluke), and how many of them got confused as I was.

Proofreading is a tricky and risky business. I should know, I came from advertising where one typo error could have a domino effect and endanger the whole account.

I am not sure if the proofreader of this calendar has realized his mistake yet and if he has, he must be banging his head on the wall and wishing he could undo the "crime." It's a feeling nobody would wish upon his worst enemy.

It's the same queasy, nauseous feeling one gets when he sends a private email to an egroup by mistake. Aaaargh!

On this note, should you spot a typo error on this blog, please find it in your heart to also laugh it off and forget about it.

The crazy calendar typo sunk me deep in a mire of troubles, but hey, I came out whole with a bonus of forgiveness from the people whose schedules I bumped off because of erroneous dates.

If this isn't the essence of grace, what is?


  1. Haha! Can you believe that calendar getting of the press! So no more reason to head-bang, my dear. It's someone's error. Hehe. Anyway, you've survived it. Grace indeed.

  2. I hope I don't get any more months like that. It drove me nuts!

  3. oh dear, who would even bother checking if his/her calendar is correct?!??! now i'm paranoid because i hate using my iCal - prefer the old-fashioned way of writing down things

  4. I am so terribly old-fashioned I keep this calendar beside my computer, when all I have to do is click a button and the right date pops on! lol
