
Orange for Happy Harvey

Harvey was always funny. Ha-ha-happy! Hi-hi-hilarious!

What would sound nasty from others would be rib-tickling from Harvey.

He colored his world a joyful, cheerful orange.

Harvey was ailing for sometime, bad kidneys from diabetes, but he continued—always looking like a walking box of crayons—to create great ads, and cracked jokes as though he was rehearsing for the grand finals of the “Ultimate Laff-down” comedy competition.

Even in ICU, according to those who went to visit him, he woke up from coma like a Tony Award winner, “Thank you Dr. so and so, thank you nurse so and so, thank ma'am so and so, etc.” When Lucy called him up from the US, it was Lucy who was bawling and Harvey chirping.

It was no surprise that Harvey left word with someone that should he move on to the great beyond, he'd like friends and family to wear orange at his wake.

And so hundreds of us, wearing orange, trooped to say our final good-byes to Harvey. There were soft sobs, whispered prayers, and silent hugs, but bold, bright orange filled the small chapel at Sto. Domingo church, spilling over to the courtyard.

It was exactly how happy Harvey, 44, wanted everything to end—and begin—for his journey to forever future.

Arrivederci, Harvey.

Thank you for consistently demonstrating, in life, God's grace of laughter. It strengthens resolves to endure, in this mortal coil, every kind of pain.


  1. I wish all of us would leave like him, having been assured of His saving grace. Inspiring, Grace!

  2. Harvey infused fun in everything he touched. I hope his memory will make us, his friends and kin, remember that life can be bright and breezy! We will miss him.
