
How Did It Grow So Tall?

There is a tree beside our front gate—lush and tall. It was not always so.

Once upon a time it was a tiny plant in a tiny green ceramic pot. It was given to me as a gift by a reader after I spoke to a group of book lovers about my reading advocacy. After a few weeks, my husband made the sublime decision of uprooting the tiny plant from the tiny pot and planting it on the ground.

How did it grow so tall? Where did it get its sturdy branches and big leaves?

Quite simply, people would explain that sunshine and rain has been nourishing the soil on which it is rooted. But, for me, there is so much more to it than that—it's a living testimonial of the awesome power and grace of the One who created it.

Looking at this tree every time I enter and exit our gate, and pondering its exceptional growth from a small plant in a small pot, I can't help but be amazed at His marvelous handiwork.

Look around you—there are trees and trees and trees, lush and tall. They all were, sometime ago, just seeds or tiny plants from tiny pots.

“LORD, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom have You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures.” Psalm 104:24