
Cebu: Thank You x One Million

My longest stay in Cebu just ended—four long, bustling days.  My luggage is unpacked but not my mind and heart.

My pen literally ran out of ink and my reading glasses fell apart.

The almost 400 photos I took do not begin to tell the joy and buzz that crammed my nights and days. Cebu in December is always busy.  Half of the plane was occupied by tourists from other lands.  And the Mactan Airport was so crowded it took thirty minutes before I could hail a cab, and another hour to get to my hotel. 

OMF Lit mirrored the busy city.  Text messages from Lynnie, a dear friend and host extraordinaire, welcomed me, giving precise instructions on what to do next.  After depositing my luggage in my room, I went straight to work, crossing the street to the  Book Fair dubbed "Inspire Cebu!" in the mall, and started signing books, most especially the newly airlifted "Grace Found Me," and meeting new friends till late at night.

The OMF Lit staff—Eresh, Ramil, Noel, Allan, Bon-bon, Nanette, et. al.—looked as though they had each gulped a bottle of uppers.  What passion and energy!

At the "Inspire Cebu!"Book Fair
The pace of the second day was just as fast, but on top of the signing,  a talk and storytelling of  my latest “Oh, Mateo!” book, Angel with One Foot, to over 700 students were thrown in.  More, more new friends.

Reading Super Devos; with the school head
Inside the classroom (left)
First to seventh grade in the gym
Then back to the Book Fair for storytelling and interaction with Girl Scouts. 
We wisely canceled a leisure trip to the flea market that night and stayed put at the new Banilad Branch of OMF Lit Bookshop for short, breathless chats with old and new readers who wanted all their gift books signed.  A quick bite in a nearby Thai restaurant, then back to the bookstore for much of the same.

Morning of the third day was spent at the Main (Ramos Rd.) branch of OMF Lit Bookshop.  More book signing and photo ops with readers.  Then zoom back to the book fair on foot, where members of the OMF staff were still at their best (packing away, the dosage of their invisible uppers seemed doubled) after another rushed lunch, for an interview and more book signing with the band "Still” playing and singing wonderful gospel songs.

With the OMF Lit staff
Band "Still" (left); The Interview (right)
Last day, Sunday: a 7:30 AM service at Bradford Church—first, storytelling session for the kids in Sunday School, then a short talk on grace at the main church.  More, more book signing.  By this time, I had bought a new pair of reading glasses and borrowed a pen from someone.

Book table just outside the main sanctuary
Pulpit (left); Sunday School (right)
After a quick drive to the hotel to pick up my luggage, Lynnie treated me to lunch at a Greek restaurant at the Ayala Center.  It was a short lull and wrap-up, and time for thanksgiving for God's unfathomable grace all through the four blessed days.  

A taxi brought me to the Mactan Airport. As I waited for boarding,  I mouthed the words  in Angel with One Foot: “Seven thank yous . . .”

But instead of seven, I said to the Lord, “Thank You for Cebu—times one million.”


  1. Hi Ms Grace, shared a blog with you in it. God Bless!


  2. I just visited the link and voila! Was I pleasantly surprised. Thank you for posting it. God bless you.
