
Christmas 2010

Pink hair and P-noy
All-silver tree and vase
There was that one Christmas when I prevailed upon my sister Aie to stay for dinner.  This year, she is celebrating Christmas in Australia with my brother Earl and family.

One househelp went home; Ate Vi, who's been a part of our family for over 30 years never leaves, not on Christmas. That brought down the count to five: Tony, the two boys, Ate Vi, and me. 

As a family tradition, we got busy preparing the turkey on the 23rd, spending time in the supermarket choosing the bird and buying the stuffing.  There were not many choices; the biggest one was 5.4 kilos, which we bought.  Well, it was still bigger than the biggest chicken, and the price was right on budget. (Last year's choice was 6.7.)

Just the right size and color
Proud chef
It did not disappoint.  Our chef JR claimed that smaller turkeys are juicer and more tender.  He spoke the truth.  This had to be the yummiest yet.  (I say that every year, forgetting how last year's taste was like.) We kept the menu to a minimum—just a Vietnamese salad before the turkey, plus fancy cupcakes from the Uys, our friends in church. And oh, sparkling wine from my brother Earl and family in Australia. 

Earlier that evening, we attended the solemn Christmas service, where we were reminded that "Peace on Earth" means, peace in a human heart where Jesus reigns, and peace to all mankind when He comes again. 

Around the table, we thanked God for His bounty, blessings, and birth to give us hope to enjoy life everlasting.

All the gifts I received were exactly what I would splurge on if I didn't scrimp on myself: a music CD of Rod Stewart and Susan Boyle from Tony, an NIV version of the Chronological Bible from JC (with his letter challenging me to finish it!). JR said he is giving me the chance to choose my own gift after Christmas when everything goes on sale.  I got a bagful of goodies from friends.  And of course, readers of my books and blogs, like you, are gifts I receive all year round.   

Yes, grace finds me all the time.

Here are some photos of that enchanting night when we, as a family, celebrated the greatest birth of all—when God made His Son a part of human history so mortals could have a chance to live in eternal peace.

Show and Tell
Ate Vi's special time
Elvis is Alive, Best Lawyer Certificate, Champagne, and Ang Pao


  1. Love your Christmas photos and what's behind them--- the love for one another and most of all, Christ's. Am glad, too that your book is finally out! See you soon, Grace!

  2. You all seem to be having a great time, I am so glad. I had a good time too. I enjoy reading about your family. Thanks for the pictures.

  3. Hi, Yay! Am so thankful that the book is finally out. Happy New year!

  4. Dear Purplerose,

    Thank you for reading my blog. I wish you and your family a great, happy New Year!
