
Wow, Davao!

I was in Davao sometime in May last year for the OMF Lit's "She Day" to speak before 600 women.  Eight months later, today, here I am here again—for exactly the same reason: the privilege of being invited to talk about the work that I do.

Although the audiences are totally different, the level of my excitement is the same.  I only have one word for Davao and everything in it—wow.

The vast, open spaces from the airport; the wide, clean roads; and the warm, friendly people (whether you have met them before or not);  the pomelo and marang; and the bling-blings on Uyanguren Rd., they make for one big wow. 

I am oversimplifying.  There is so much more to Davao than sweeping generalizations.  

Here, wherever I turn, I bump into God's angels.  This time around, they are officers and members of ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), who organized this 2011 Conference on Early Education, and the teachers and administrators of member schools.

I have been tasked to speak on three different topics in two days, but all revolve around my life and passion today: writing.

Interacting with teachers and school administrators of early education is something new to me.  They have wings ordinary mortals don't possess. They hover over kids and make sure these kids walk on the right road.  Their concerns are nobler—nurturing, guiding and caring.  

This 2011 Early Education two-day conference was actually held in Quezon City last week.  It is being replicated in Davao, and also in Tacloban three days from now.  Three talks in three places sucessively!

It's been quite hectic (and draining), but nothing that a cup of coffee can't cure.  Trouble was, I only take decaf and verbalized it. My host and good friend Gay immediately sent someone to buy me decaf—a bottle so huge it would last me a lifetime! 

My survival kit? 

Aside from Gay's decaf coffee and marang, we (my roommate Yay and I) got a fill of the Word during the Sunday Vespers Service in a church close to where we are billeted. A bonus surprise was that the Pastor's two daughters are avid readers of Super Devo—and so we had to document that in a photo quickly. 

Over and above those, is what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:9 about what God said to him when he complained of weakness: "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."

All of the above (with photos below), I was blessed with in Davao. Wow.

(Clockwise from top) Marang, venue, the Pastor's family, my survival kit
Conference, first day
Conference, second day

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