
Year 2011: I Resolve . . .

My friend Lucy always manages to make me laugh. She posted on our group account on FB: “May we all forget our New Year's resolutions even before making them!”

She is being funny but her words ring true.  It's so easy to forget our New Year's resolutions after we've made them.  So why bother? 

Well, I made one, just one, resolution in the year 2009. And surprise, I actually fulfilled it! It was to read the
whole Bible from cover to cover.  My incentive was JC's Christmas gift—a chronological Bible (New Living Translation).  

I knew I would enjoy reading the Bible in a different way—like reading a novel, with a beginning and an end.  So I brazenly and boldly made that New Year's resolution on blogosphere, like a covenant between me and my guests. I am proud to say I was true to my word.  And I was profusely blessed by what I harvested from the greatest book ever written. 

For this year 2011,  I am going to make the same fearless forecast: read the Bible, again, from cover to cover.  

JC gifted me with another chronological Bible, this time it's the NIV.  Truth to tell, I already started it the day after Christmas and I can't seem to stop.  Which is why I know  my resolution will easily reach finish line.
Let me quote some portions of JC's note on the back cover of the Bible: 

Dear Mom,

“I've gone through the whole Bible. Can I stop?” you're probably thinking but afraid to say it out loud.

Of course not, do you stop breathing?

It only gets better and better, like going through a favorite blog over and over again. Only this one never gets updated. But somehow, it's different every single time.

This particular edition is hard to find, but well worth it.

Okay, you go on now! You know the drill.


Yeah, I know the drill—well.

And another yeah, no matter what happens, 2011 is going to be another year of grace.


  1. Great to find your blog!!

  2. Thank for for taking time to visit and read my posts.
