
Earthquake and Tsunami? Love Conquers All

I was putting on my party dress when the Japan earthquake crumpled buildings, swept away cars, and swallowed up homes.  Hours later, when the party was in full swing,  tsunamis rampaged over coastlines and wreaked havoc on anything that was on the way.

And I was oblivious to it all.

Switching my cell phone to mute so I could savor the 25th wedding renewal of vows of two dear friends, I was deaf and dumb to the  danger, disaster, and devastation that was happening in another part of the world.

If a wedding can bring tears to one's eyes, the renewal of wedding vows can grip one's heart to goose bumps.  In this era of divorces, separations, and annulments, a 25-year marriage is big reason enough to celebrate. 

The “bride and groom” read the scripted words “I am renewing my . . .” but they also read new words from their heart, like: “If I were to live my life all over again, I would still love and cherish only one woman—the mother of my three daughters, my wife of 25 years.”

There were moments of tears—when their own marriage's earthquakes and tsunamis were confessed to the crowd of family and close friends.  But most of all, there was much rejoicing for and toasting to a grace-filled married life.

It was only this morning when I woke up, and watched the world news, that I found out what had happened the night before. 

The horrific images feel like it's the beginning of the end of the world!  It may well be.

We are experiencing the wrath of nature never before seen in our lifetime.  And there are predictions, based on scientific studies, that we should brace ourselves for more.

In these turbulent times, we can no longer just sit passively and let nature take its course.  We need to celebrate God's love in our lives, and believe in the one true God who is more powerful than what we are witnessing today with our human eyes.

He said in Deuteronomy 7:9 and in many parts of the Scriptures, “Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands.” 

Let us put our trust in this love, for nothing is greater:  “ . . . so we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.” (Psalm 46:2)

Relish God's love on your 25th, Congressman Cesar and Lala!