
Must Children Beg?

When a six-year-old child is pushed to beg in the streets by his parents, what could he be thinking? 

1. I wish I could play with my friends instead.
2. I love doing this; there's nothing I'd rather do!
3. I need to do this so I can earn some money to buy food. 

This child couldn't speak for himself, so I wish to speak for him in this forum where I  hope I won't remain the sole speaker.  Please feel free to share your views.        

My guess is, answer no. 1.  Kids are wired to play and be kids.  
As for for number 2, I do not know of any kid born a workaholic. 
And 3, earning a living is an adult concept, not yet a part of a kids' psyche.
And yet over 1.5 million street children in the country (100 million in the world) roam the streets begging, from early morning (when they should still be dreaming in bed) to late at night (when it's way past their bedtime).   

Ten years ago, I started writing for children because I hoped to partner with parents and teachers in imparting right values to kids.

As a children's book author, I have a dream:  that kids will learn to cry out with pride and joy to God: "Oh yes, You shaped me first inside, then out; You formed me in my mother's womb. I thank You, High God—You're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! " Psalm 139:14 (The Message)

Oh, that they'd cry out with pride and joy about their parents, about how they are, about how they live, and about God who loves them!  

But now, on Channel 5, there's a more appalling kind of begging that has far more damaging effects, especially to those who are outraged over a six-year-old gyrating on national television—and now on YouTube, with almost 1 million hits, and counting.  

Jan-Jan, aged six, begged in a big way, not only for himself but for his parents/family, on Willing Willie.

And for gyrating repeatedly like a macho stripper to blaring music, and being compared to the movie “Burlesque Queen,” his alms was a whopping P10,000.  As people (with Willie leading them) goaded Jan-Jan for more, more, more, he obliged them all—but with tears in his eyes.

What could have been running in Jan-Jan's mind while Willie and the whole studio crowd laughed away? 

1) I wish I could play with my friends instead.
2) I love doing this; there's nothing I'd rather do!
3) I need to do this so I can earn some money to buy food. 

Willie rationalized this, so did Jan-Jan's parents.  Both camps said, "Jan-Jan had to do it so he could help his family.” 

That statement, according to those who know the law, smacks of child abuse.  A six-year-old earning for the family? 

Lord, forgive us for pushing our children to beg; we need Your grace to help us love them the way You do.
"The people brought children to Jesus, hoping He might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: 'Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and Me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in.' Then, gathering the children up in His arms, He laid His hands of blessing on them." Mark 10:13-16 (The Message)


  1. That's what happens when people value money more than human dignity and honor. The child does not fully understand what he is doing, but the adults have sacrificed him on the altar of money, entertainment, and fame.

  2. Very sad but very true, Sito. Thanks for this thought.

  3. I hardly ever watch the filipino channel because we don't subscribe to it. That's why I couldn't relate to what everybody is talking about. I only saw in one of the posts the boy gyrating a few times. Didn't see the part where he had tears in his eyes. you're right, the parents could have been more sensitive. willy is hopeless.i think he's sicker than charlie sheen. at least the latter only has himself to destroy.

  4. This is such a great site! I like the way you set this up! Great content! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel

  5. I actually don't mind it too much when Willie preys on adults (like pawing the talents and spewing off-color jokes). Adults could very well take care of themselves. But children? I think he crossed the line!

  6. Thanks, Daniel. I hope you visit again.

  7. not only children are exploited in shows like Willing Eillie, but every "poor" Filipino. I wonder how entertainment has really gone down this pathetic path.

  8. 3) I need to do this so I can earn some money to buy food. - the P10,000 was used to buy a playstation and a bike according to the boy's father on their reappearance on that sorry show. He was very proud pa when he said that...haaay....unfortunately not all parents deserves to be a parent.

  9. I agree. I didn't watch the clip because as a mother, I knew it will disturb me a lot. We have to do something as a people to uplift our society and of course, with it, our children. We can't let greed for more money ruin our little children.

  10. Yes, Anne, mothers are collectively grieving over this. I don't know how it can be solved, if at all.

  11. Grace, thanks for writing on an issue we've just widely ignored. You are indeed a voice for a voiceless demographic. God bless!

  12. No longer voiceless, Yay. Voices from all over the land have been heard these last few days. When you come home, let's chat about it over Cara Mia!

  13. I like the points you made here. Children should not have to worry about the welfare of their family. Kids should be kids.

  14. Thank you, Knox. Adults often point to poverty as the reason for pushing little children to earn. But poverty is not n excuse to do the inexcusable. It is the parents' duty to feed their helpless little ones.
