
Storming Heaven

My friend Louie texted me this frantic message about her husband, “Hi, all! Please help us storm heaven with prayers.  Rey admitted to hospital after five weeks of recurring pain, diff. meds and tests.  This is the third hospital we've been to and doctors can't diagnose!”

This text message was oh-so-familiar! I sent a similar one years ago (via landline and email; cellphones were not yet in vogue) when Tony went through a colon cancer surgery, and again years after, when he had a quadruple heart bypass. 

Send a message like that and immediately, friends, friends of friends, relatives, and relatives of relatives go on their knees to storm heaven for God's mercy.  

The next text message from Louie came three days later, just when Tony and I were on our way to visit Rey in the hospital.  

“Hi, all! God continues to show His mighty healing power and love for Rey.  These past days, doctors continue to express amazement @ this latest miracle . . . we know it was all your prayers that pulled him through.  He's now walking, taking liquid food, and two more tubes were removed—praise God!  Please continue to help us pray for full recovery.” 
Entering Rey's hospital room, we were surprised at what we saw: the miracle patient himself, beaming from his bed, as though nothing happened.

But what actually happened was one for Ripley's Believe It or Not. 

His appendix ruptured weeks earlier, without his knowing it. It turned out that he has a high threshold of pain.  The infection had moved to his back where the thick, dense pus choked and infected important veins and organs, stopping regular body functions and blood circulation—among many others.  This was only discovered  after a series of tests.

Because he was in deep pain, he had to undergo surgery immediately to clean up the infection and stop further damage. 

“And you're still alive?” Tony, who always thinks aloud, exclaimed.

Only God in His infinite wisdom and grace—defying science and man's logic—decides who goes and who stays. 

We are grateful for His decision, and answer to prayers.   

“Your husband must have done something good!” I told Louie.

Rey smiled broadly, but Louie's grin took the prize.


  1. Hello Grace,

    This is my second visit to your blog.I left no note last time & I was debating if i should this time. Anyway, I met Aei and just want to extend my congratulations for successful writing career. Congratulations!

  2. Hi, Sam! Thank you for deciding to write a note. It is a treat for me to receive comments from readers.

  3. Grace, Thnks for posting your account of Rey's illness and miraculouse recovery. Indeed, God's mercy and healing is beyond our comprehension, but we thank him for bringing Rey back in health! My mother deeply believed in the power of prayer and she always said "... pray holes through heaven." I'd like to think that when Rey looks up to the heavens, he will see hundreds of holes piercig the sky and he can sit back and just PRAIE THE LORD for all those prayers on his behalf! --- Lennie Abellera Blair

  4. Hi, Lennie! Thanks for visiting my site. I just wrote you an email about Atong's illness. There have been some developments.
