
The Forgiving Father

One of my favorite parables of Jesus is “The Prodigal Son,” which many call instead,  “The Forgiving Father.”  This story shows the depth of forgiveness fathers have in their reservoir of love for their children. 

Many stories have been spawned from this  parable, including one that I wrote, Look for the Star.  It is a tale about a couple in a remote barrio who make parol (Christmas  lanterns) for a living.  Despite their guidance and love, their only child fell into all sorts of trouble. He kept the company of the town’s rascals and scamps. 

While his parents were trying to talk some sense into him one night, he stormed out angrily and never came back.

For days, husband and wife constructed a giant parol—as big as their house—in the shape of a star.  They hang it from the tallest tree and kept it lit all night, every single day, “So our son will find his way home.” The lantern brought joy to the town's children.  

Then one night, the children thought the parol was gone.  Truth was, the couple had turned it off because their son came home. After many years of wasted vagabond living, he realized he had great parents waiting for him. What a reunion it was!  

God made the Way to welcome His prodigal children back—Jesus. He sent Him down from heaven so He could suffer and die for our failings.  No love is greater, wider, and deeper. 

On Father’s Day, may we all worship the Father of all, whose forgiving heart erased all vestiges of sin from our lives so we could all be His children whom He will love forever and ever. 

“And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”  Luke 15:20

(This is the June 2 entry in my book, “Grace Found Me.” June being the month honoring fathers, I thought it fitting to post it.)

I treasure this father and child photo taken by Gianina