
Captain America is Coming!

This superhero—together with Green Lantern, Spiderman, Iron man, and Batman—is coming to Las Pinas on the 30th of August!

Our whole household, composed of four adults, are more than excited—we are in a tizzy; if we don't take time to breathe we'd burst. 

All five heroes come in one neat little package called Adrian—my four-year-old grandson.  He moves from one super hero to another in a span of hours and couldn't quite make up his mind who he really is. 

His mom calls it recycling.  One minute, he's making like Captain America, the other minute, he's asking me and Tony for a Green Lantern thingy—as a belated gift for his recent birthday.

Well, grandparents don't stop at one thingy. We shopped for shirts and slippers and backpack and ring and  poster, too. They're now all wrapped up in a big box ready for the Green Lantern's homecoming. Then when Spiderman gets here, we'll bring him to the superheroes shop and let him point to whatever he thinks he still needs. 

Yes, I am Amah (Chinese word meaning mother of my father) to four-year-old Batman who lives in a very far side of the globe, but who flies home with his parents every year since he turned one.  But every time I mention that to people, they say, “Funny, you don't look like a grandmother.” And a big grin gets pasted on my face till sunset.  

The reason they say that is, a grandmother has been caricatured to stay in the kitchen, wearing long gray hair bunched up at her nape, and whipping up World War II recipes, then fanning herself in a rocking chair while she intermittently naps.    

If you've been reading my posts, you know by now that I can't cook (nor go to the kitchen unless forced by circumstances like turning off the lights), my L'Oreal-brunette hair is cropped above my ears, and although I am often home, I am hunched over my computer with a huge electric fan (when frugality wins over turning on the air conditioner) nearby. I try not to nap. 

That is why I so treasure my friend Maya's Christmas gift last year—a book entitled, yes,  “Funny You don't Look Like a Grandmother,” which must have been written for me.

Lois Wyse, the author said, “A mother becomes a true grandmother the day she stops noticing the terrible things her children do because she is so enchanted with the wonderful things her grandchildren do.” 

Wyse is wise. When Iron Man comes home, I won't notice that JR is away some place, that JC is hardly ever home, and that JB and Gianina are out reconnecting with their old friends. 

I will only be so enchanted by that adorable grace named Adrian and the five superheroes who wonderfully tag along with him.


  1. Super sunny, Wonderwoman,er Wondergrandma, er WonderAmah.
    Relish it all in, for how long? Ten days? You'll be doing some flying, Amah!

  2. Aww superhero Adrian is so cute!!! Your posts about your grandson are among my favorites on your blog. Cuteness overload! And the love of a doting grandmother really shines through when you write about him. So heartwarming.

  3. Thank you, Tin. He arrived the other night and our welcome present for him was a huge cake with Captain America right smack in the middle. The smile he gave us was more than worth all the effort.
