
Solo Flight Launched

“This is the most difficult book I have ever had to write,” I said in my short remarks at the launch of Solo Flight.

And the reason is, it was no solo flight for me, as it usually is when I write, till the manuscript reaches the editor(s).     

For Solo Flight, I had a co-author. 

It seemed like an accident at first, but reflecting on the events where Solo Flight began, I believe an unseen Hand led us all to it. 

Teacher Francie, a nodding acquaintance for years, had a wonderful story to tell. In one of our chance encounters, she began to tell me this story, which left me unblinking.  Unfortunately, the narration was cut short by the activity we were both attending. A brief  thought came to me then—it would make an interesting book. 

What do you know, Yna, OMFLit's Director for Publications, emailed a few months later, asking me if I wanted to partner with Teacher Francie in writing her love story. I jumped at the chance—to hear the ending of it—and as the say, the rest is history. 

How does one deal with joint authorship? Deb Bataller of CBN Asia said it best, “Teacher Francie is the storyteller and Grace is the story writer.” 

Writing someone's story from her point of view is deceptively easy.  But the writer has to enter that someone's innermost thoughts—and fears.  That's where the difficulty lies—having disparate feelings and opinions about issues.  Teacher Francie was single for almost as long as I have been married! 

Grace came to the rescue—it turned on the sunshine, so that both ends would see where to walk together towards the same destination.   

As the writing went along, grace also brought in new dimensions and texture to give the story depth and relevance to singles. It branched out to other related stories. Then Yna and our editor, Beng (both singles), threw in fresh insights that enriched the writing even more.  

On September 15, 2011, Solo Flight (again, not solo, but in tandem with a book of Teacher Francie's husband) was launched. 

The book launching was a story in itself.  In one roof were as many singles as couples. Prepared by my co-author's staff, the ceremony was flawless (read: no dead air) and the mood, worshipful, turning festive at the reception!

This time, I will let the pictures tell the book launching story. But let me end this post by saying, grace makes everything possible—even the meeting of two most unlikely friends. 

The Anklung Ensemble of the Learning Tree delighted all,

(Family from as far as American Samoa, Australia, US, and Baguio)   


  1. Mayat met diay family photos. Adda kami ditoy Brunei.

  2. Sapay coma ta naimbagen ni Tess. Aginana kayo nga husto dita. See you again soon.

  3. Congratulations grace may I hope to get my book soon I asked one of my nephews to send me the book !! I'm so proud of you !!! Ruth

  4. Come and get your copy, Ruth. I reserved one specially for you.

  5. I thank the Lord for giving me a privilege to read you book. My sister lend it to me and have read it several times already.

    It's very inspiring. It has opened my senses to pursue God's will in my life especially in this area of my life. and I'm inspired with Ma'am Francie's story...well, I'm decided to serve God gladly until the end - with or with out a life partner!

    May you inspire more people!


  6. Thank you, Leah. Keep flying!

  7. I have been reading your books - Gifts of Grace. As soon as I had known that you've written a book for singles- Solo Flight, I had rushed to OMF to grab a copy. I had been inspired by Teacher Francie's story. It's an inspiration that nothing is too late if it's GOd's plan. At this age of 29, I'm not yet involved in any "special relationship" but the book had speak to me that we just need to wait and He will give us the best. The most striking lesson I'd learn is when Teacher Francie stated that we dont need to find the right person but we have to work it our being the right person.

    Thanks for the writing for us. God bless you both!

    -Jocelyn Agudo-

  8. Hello, Jocelyn,

    I don't know why my reply to you disappeared. Sorry about that. Let me reconstruct what I wrote.

    Teacher Francie's story is really one-of-a-kind. I have been blessed to retell it in the "Solo Flight." You are young and the future looks bright, so being solo at this point is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone your age.

    Soar and enjoy your singleness!
