
Five Years and Counting

This site is turning five tomorrow, but I am blogging about it now because I need to catch some sleep for my early flight to Iloilo for book talks.  

That's how long I have kept this blogsite.

In the beginning I thought I'd quit early in the game, but the thrill of writing one's thoughts on blogosphere, getting feedback from readers, and seeing the hit meter grow every hour kicked in. And now I want to keep slogging away. 

I took on the theme "grace" because at that time I was writing my third  "Gifts of Grace" book.  I was reflecting on, analyzing, and studying grace with such ferocious focus that, really, it was not a choice. It was my only choice.

If there is one word I can never write enough about, it is grace. It is what keeps this e-leaf evergreen.

"How very quickly you see grace in everything," my friend Tere remarked after reading one of my posts.

"Anyone can see grace very quickly—all he needs is look," I replied.


For five years, I swam in the excitement of numbers.  Today, this is where I am:

- 112,050 hits from 154 countries;  
- 500 reviews; 
- 506 posts;
- 12 change of headers (signifying milestones);
- and 98 followers.

How much more grace does one inconsequential blogger want?

This calls for a new header!
Out with the old:     


  1. congrats ma'am. keep on blogging! God bless!- mariah

  2. Thank you, Mariah. Hope the Lord gives me strength to keep going!

  3. yey!!! congrats, Ma'am Grace... truly you have been a blessing to many in the five years that you've shared with us your stories, your inspirations, your life :D thank you :D

  4. Hi, Tribo! Thanks for being a regular. Hope to see you in Cebu sometime in, maybe, December?
