
Splurging on "Like"

If the “like” on FB had a price tag, I'd be spending a lot of money daily on the one page that keeps me riveted (“addicted,” my friend Boyp calls this new phenomenon) and sufficiently awed: “Come Visit My Philippines” (CVMP) 

There are just too many breathtaking photos of our country that lure your fingers into clicking “like” practically every second.  

What started "Come Visit My Philippines?"

An idea.

But an idea so big the page has grown in just a month to over 25,000 members, who have posted almost 7,000 stunning photos of and about the Philippines!

Mon Jimenez, our new Tourism Secretary, said upon accepting his new role, “Tourism is the people’s business . . . so if you believe that as I do, help me achieve that.”  He likewise exhorted all Filipinos, “Believe in the beauty of your country. You deserve a visit from the world.” 

Hearing Mon, friends Bessie Padilla and Alex Baguio (both photography buffs) started uploading their photos on their individual walls. They wanted to show the world that they “believe in the beauty of their country.” 

The overwhelming response was unprecedented.  Promptly, another friend, Francois Medina, joined the two to start an FB page for Filipinos who share their pride of country. 

Thus, “Come Visit My Philippines” was born. The guidelines are simple: post a photo (anything Pinoy); briefly describe it; and punctuate it with the tagline, “Come Visit My Philippines.”

Because of the exponential growth of membership, more friends have been invited to help as administrators.

I have not posted one photo yet, because each time I prepare do so, I gawk at the mind-blowing masterpieces of others, and I spend an inordinate amount of time imagining the places where they were shot—taking all attention away from mine.

Here are a few which I randomly chose from thousands of spectacular photos on the page. These cut-and-paste collages are not as fascinating as the original ones, so please go to the FB-CVMP page and marvel at the individual photos as posted by the owners.

But oh, if you aren't a member yet, ask a friend who is. Adding your name will take only a second. I must warn you, though, you will be splurging on “like!”  

Let me thank my wandering friend, Boyp, who travels around the country as often as he blinks, for inviting me to enjoy the magnificent vista of grace bestowed upon the Philippines on CVMP!


  1. L I K E. hahahaha.....

  2. The CVMP is so addicting, because it is so uplifting. Instead of the gore and the mush one can see on TV, one has only beauty and local culture to feast his eyes on. The notes are anecdotal. How one goes to one place - - - how a native dish is prepared, etc. Truly it is like traveling throughout the Philippines and sampling local delicacy from the different regions, climbing mountains and lazing on the beach. Without leaving home. But then the site is a great incentive to leave the comforts of home and go around the islands. And subsequently be impressed with the sights, enough for us to invite friends to Come Visit My Philippines

  3. Anonymous, thanks for the L I K E!

  4. Boyp, you're right--the page is very uplifting. Seeing all the photos of the places we've been to and the places we still have to go to, makes one feel PROUD. The Philippines IS a beautiful country; it doesn't deserve all the bashing it gets from the media and its own people.
