
Morning Good

People usually say “Good morning” as a greeting.

But Mang Ramon is different; he says “Morning good!” And there's something in the way he says it that makes you feel it's today's headline news and a special time of grace.

On days when I walk at dawn (I have reduced my daily walk to three times a week), “Morning good!” is the first sound I hear.

It comes from the man on a bike who delivers the dailies in our neighborhood. I can't really tell how old he is, but neighbors who get to see him in broad daylight describe Mang Ramon as “the old, old man.”

I wouldn't know. 

Aside from the very brief encounters we have when he dashes by saying “Morning good!” I don't see him at all. But I suspect he only looks old because of the hard life he leads to earn a living.  Waking up so early in the morning with a heavy bundle of newspapers (replenished many times, I heard) to about 1,000 homes is not a walk in the park.

He goes a second round once a week to collect.

Mang Ramon is dark as night and thin as reed, with an almost toothless smile (his remaining teeth gleam in the dark), but God may have ordered that my good mornings begin with him.

There was a time last year when he disappeared for maybe about  three months.  During these times, we bought our newspapers from the newsstand. He had met an accident that forced him to stay in bed.  A neighbor started passing the hat for his medical expenses, and collectively, we prayed that he would be back on his bike soon. A toughie, Mang Ramon got back on his pedals and to his dawn route.   

“Morning good!” I greet back, but he's already a block away. If he were a cyclist, he'd win the Tour of Luzon (a popular event in my time) hands down. He doesn't bike, he flies.

I wish I could describe him more for you, but it is only under the shadows of the village trees and street lamps where I catch sight of him.

These are quick meetings, but enough to make me declare that indeed every morning is good!


  1. Morning Good Grace. From today onwards, I will be looking forward to reading your articles.
    I have so much respect for people like Mang Ramon. It inspires me so much to love my work and be thankful for everything that me and my kids have. Eventhough at times I feel that my blessings are not enough...but as my sister told me, "God's providence is always over pouring!" Indeed, we are so blessed as we continue to live life with full of love and hope. Have a great day, Grace!

  2. Thanks for sharing Grace. Indeed God sends people our way to remind us of His grace and goodness. I have decided this day to be the Mang Ramon to my wife and kids every morning. May God continue to use you in edifying His church.

  3. Morning good, indeed! Thank you for your heartwarming note. May we all have a Mang Ramon in our hearts and look at life the way he does, despite the hardships.

  4. In His presence, how wonderful of you to be a Mang Ramon to your family every morning! Thank you for the encouragement and for taking time to write me a note.

  5. Mang Ramon is one of your early bringers of grace, which comes in different forms everyday. May he be blessed always.

  6. He's the early bringer of grace in the whole neighborhood!

  7. Sometimes, it's the familiar strangers that bring simple joys to us, people we don't really know that well but their presence somehow validates the stability and regularity in our daily lives. Morning good, Ms. Grace!

  8. Dear Nagbabasang Pinoy,

    Morning good likewise! Thanks for the note.

  9. Morning Good po Ms Grace. When I was young po, I remembered the newspaper man every day delivered to us, biker din po sya ang bilis nyang mawala just like po Mang Ramon. Basta po nag whistle na sya, lalabas na sa door ang Daddy ko at kukunin na po ang newspaper namin. Hindi din po sya masalita, pero lagi nyang sinasabi " Morning ".lang po. 🙂🤍

  10. Dear Anonymous,

    Yes, before the advent of e-newspapers, most people had a newspaper delivery man. In a way, we all had a "Mang Ramon" in our lives who was our first greeter every day: "Good morning!" "Morning!" "Morning good!" Happy memories!
