
Sunflowers for Easter

What a glorious day Easter is! 

Truth was slain and buried in a grave, but It didn't stay there. Three days later, Truth resurrected for the whole world to know.

For this special day, I am changing my header to sunflowers in celebration of Easter. My old New Year header comes down.

The sunflower has always fascinated me, as it had Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Klimt, Claude Monet and a host of famous artists.

Paul Gauguin
Vincent Van Gogh 
Gustav Klimt
Claude Monet
Such an illustrious company I keep! 

In the morning, sunflowers face east as the sun rises, then they follow the sun, stretching up to the heavens until they end the day facing west, at sunset.

Many children draw a sunflower when asked to draw the sun. The bright yellow petals are likened to, or mistaken for, the sun's rays.

In high school I used to pass by a field of sunflowers on my way home.

Those daily walks defined Baguio City for me—a field of sunflowers.

I should be in Umingan today, attending the memorial service for my mom's ninth death anniversary. I made time for it last year. All my siblings (except one who is in Australia) are there now.

But I am home in Manila, after attending the sunrise service in our village church. I couldn't leave because I have committed to attend a children's event/book signing at the Sofitel Hotel in a couple of hours.

Should I feel guilty? 

Aside from being exceedingly generous, my mother had one other  endearing trait, which I remember today. She was always careful not to impose on anyone, not even on her children. I missed a few important family occasions, including the funeral of my dad, but she was quick to dismiss the failing. And never dwelt on it.

If she were alive today, would she begrudge me for not going home to attend the Easter service in our little home church? No. So why is it pricking my conscience?  

Sunflowers. Easter. Mom. Grace. They somehow fit so well together.

When the Lord took my mother on Good Friday nine years ago, it was so natural for our family to decide that her death anniversary be remembered on Easter, the day hope for eternal life with God was given free to mankind. 

Let's all celebrate Easter with the warmth and glow of sunflowers, and the warmth and glow of our loved ones, near or far. 

“For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.” 1 Thessalonians 4:14 (NIV)


  1. Wow, remembering your Mom at Easter is like seeing her seated with Jesus in heaven!
