
An Alien in Our Midst

Laymen like me say Dementia for Alzheimer's disease and vice-versa. I never really understood the differences or similarities.  

Not even when people I love were or are afflicted with one or the other, or both. Medicine has not come up with a cure for these conditions. There are ways to retard them, but in the end, the afflicted person will lose his/her memory, cognitive ability, and worse, the person that he/she once was. 

Ate Miriam is the older sister I never had. A fellow believer of grace and a neighbor, she had been there for me since my family and I moved to the village where we've lived for years.  

She was always the wise one.

In my book Gifts of Grace 1, I called her the three ghost busters in one. She would drop everything and come when I needed reminding, help, and whatever else you can think of.  I paid my real estate tax on time every year because she made sure I did. She was as generous with her time as with her advice.   

Today, she still lights up when she sees me in church, and gives me a hug. But sometimes she doesn't say my name. She asks a question a hundred times over and tells an anecdote the same number of times, or more. She just turned 75.

She now shuttles between her children's homes. But always, she pines for her own home in our neighborhood. 

I learned that she was in her eldest daughter's house in QC last week—and would be there for two weeks, but suddenly she was back home in just three days.

She tells the story her own way, which she finds hilarious, but the real story is everything but. It was a cause of mini heart attacks in many homes.

The truth is, she escaped. 

She hailed a cab and told the driver to bring her to Pandacan—the place where she grew up.  She said she was going to pay him P4,000. 

In Pandacan—the terrain of which has totally changed from when she was a little girl—the cab driver went round and round, even after finding one church that she said was adjacent to her residence. There are now three churches in that same area and it was one o'clock in the morning.

The Lord's protection came forth. One of the men—still outdoors having a good time with friends—recognized her. He turned out to be her nephew. He quickly asked her to get down, but not after she paid the cab driver what she thought was P4,000, but which was actually only P40.00.    

Relatives brought her home immediately to our village to make sure she was safe and sound.

Dementia (or is it Alzheimer's?).  It's like a UFO that abducted the real Ate Miriam, and in her place brought home a look-alike alien whose moods, personalities, and thoughts are totally different from the Ate Miriam I have known and loved for years.  

Everyone tries hard—especially her children—but we can't seem to find the reasonable, helpful, fun-loving, take-charge, and gracious Ate Miriam anymore.

Our collective prayer is that God will give us a bigger heart, with many rooms for patience, understanding, kindness, and love to deeply care for this special guest in our midst—the way we did for the original Ate Miriam.


  1. Hello po. Thanks for the updates about Lola Miriam. She is also the Lola I never had.I featured her few times for her kindness (her unending kindness).Last year i published my book here in Vietnam -At the Feet of Generous Ones.She is one f my portraits (a whole chapter for her) hoping she would read it when visit PVGC soon.Been keeping a copy for her but I don't have the resources to go home yet. so i still have it and still excited to wait for the time to hand it to her. now i feel bad, crying while reading this blog.please do hug and kiss her for me.Thanks po

  2. I am sure Ate Miriam will have some lucid seconds to appreciate the book, Ptr. Popoy. I personally think she still remembers faces and when you tell her your name, she'll give you a warm smile. Yes, will hug her for you when I see her this Sunday. See you soon. Can't wait to read the book, too,

  3. If that's the case- it's a relief then. sige po, thanks so much.See you soon by faith. God bless you!

  4. I hate this disease passionately. Thanks be to God that she was found. I pray that her family take good care of her and guard her well and as much as possible, not break her heart.

  5. Her family is very caring, very patient. But she always tries to pull a fast one. Losing her figuratively and literally is what we pray for every day.

  6. That's why I pray God would just beam me up before demewntia sets in. All by His grace!

  7. Last few minutes! Hahaha!
